Basic HTML

Tag Name Description W3School Link MDN Link
<p> Paragragh Defines a paragraph. Browsers automatically add a single blank line before and after each <p> element. W3School MDN
<li> List Item The list item element creates list items inside of Ordered lists <ol> or Unordered lists <ul>. W3School MDN

Table Tags

Tag Name Description W3School Link MDN Link
<table> Table The wrapper element for all HTML tables. W3School MDN
<thead> Table Head The set of rows defining the column headers in a table. W3School MDN
<tbody> Table Body The set of rows containing actual table data. W3School MDN
<tr> Table Row The table row container. W3School MDN
<td> Table Data The table row container. W3School MDN
<tfoot> Table Foot The set of rows defining the footer in a table. W3School MDN

Table Attributes

Attribute Name Description W3School Link MDN Link
colspan Column Span Defines how many rows a td element should span. W3School MDN
rowspan Row Span The set of rows defining the column headers in a table. W3School MDN